What’s your name?
What part(s) of the industry do you work in?
Strip club

How did you get started in the industry?
I actually matched with a girl on Tinder who knew I pole danced who worked at our local strip club in town, she told me how she danced and I was like oh that’s cool I’ve always been curious about that! But never felt confident enough to take the leap, she encouraged me to come in and apply and I got hired on the spot!
What's your zodiac sign(s), and does it/they resonate with you?
I’m a Leo, and it resonates with me heavily because I carry myself super confidently and my love for myself permeates and informs everything I do, inside the strip club and out.
Tell us about your favorite shift or customer ever!
Omggggg, my favorite shift was one night where I had just gotten to work and a multimillionaire stopped me and told me it was like an angel just came down on a sea of clouds from the sky lol. And he bought out my night, we stayed in the champagne room upstairs all night just drinking champagne and I barely had to do anything to have one of the highest earning nights in my dancer career! Love when they choose ME.

What is your funniest story related to work?
One night when I was still working at a sober club where the girls aren’t even allowed to drink, I busted my ass ON STAGE and it was a full house lol while DEAD SOBER. It was definitely embarrassing but I think I got pity tips at least bc it was a great money set and definitely an exercise on resilience and not giving a fuck lol cuz I’m sexy period!!!
What is a goal you’re proud you were able to reach while doing and because of SW?
Doing SW has been the single most empowering force of my life. Truly I never saw my own beauty and power until I started doing this work. I am extremely proud of the woman I have become and transformation I have made both inside and out since becoming a dancer. Dancing led me into modeling and I am now signed to an agency! I never would have believed it to be possible prior to dancing. There’s no doubt in my mind that I’m a bad bitch now <3
There is a lot of talk nowadays about sex work being “empowering.” Is this true for you and why or why not?
ABSOLUTELY !! I kind of already touched on this, but I grew up feeling like the ugly friend.Like every me else always gets chosen over me. Once I started dancing and realizing that I am so beautiful and amazing that people want to PAY to experience it, my entire perspective on myself changed and I started carrying myself differently, like I am HER. There’s no limit to how confident or beautiful we can feel, my self love and admiration for my self only grows by the day and it’s really this work that gave me the eyes to see the potential I have.

What's your favorite colors / styles / accessories to wear at work?
I usually either wear white, red, black, and the OCCASIONAL pink or cheetah print. I usually wear either see through dresses for a “nasty but classy” vibe on the weeknights, or see through fishnet style outfits on the weekend to get a lil more wild for the party crowd lolol. I like wearing classic colors, nothing too adventurous because no matter what I always want to be as tasteful as possible. Sometimes less is more for sure.
What has been your biggest challenge in the industry and how do you cope with that?
I went through a phase where rejections were really hard for me, and they still can be at times. Like you mean to tell me that YO UGLY ASS doesn’t want me?? That’s crazyyyyy cuz I would never entertain you outside of here anyways lol. I used to get so mad and cuss customers out lmaoooo. It was a challenge learning to not take it personally even when they go back with someone else for a dance even after telling me no. Now I just keep it pushing and accept that that customer wasn’t meant for me, and there’s another who is. And make sure when I find that one that the one who rejected me sees me going back w someone else ;) cuz what you thought this was babe??? Imma still stunt lol don’t need your grimy dollars anyways.
How have you dealt with the stigma of being out as a SW, if you’ve faced any?
Damn I deal with it every day. It makes dating really hard bc people usually just want to use me for sex, finesse me for money, or they just straight up don’t take me seriously as a woman. I was in a long term relationship with someone I truly loved and he left me because he hates the idea of “sharing” me and his family is super conservative. People haven’t really outgrown their dated mindsets. We deserve healthy, wholesome love just as much as the next woman. If anything, this work makes me MORE protective over my body and who I share my precious energy with. At the end of the day I know my worth and what my character is so I stand firm in who I am and trust that the right people will come along and see me for who I am.
What advice would you give younger you, if you could, both work related and in general?
Be open to the unexpected, things are going to work out exactly how they are supposed to and you’ll get exactly where you’re meant to go. But it may look way different than you ever imagined and that’s the beauty of it. I am so grateful for every moment of the journey stay far. I would tell her to see the beauty in everything and trust the paths unfolding even when it’s uncertain.
Where can we find you?
My dancer account is @novacanebby1 on IG but you’re welcome to follow my main @bre.embodied, that’s where I’m most active :)
Thank You, Nova!