July 2024: Angel šŸ‘‘

July 2024: Angel šŸ‘‘

Whatā€™s your name?Ā 
What part(s) of the industry do you work in?
Strip Club
How did you get started in the industry?
I was a little older than most when I first got into the industry. My first time ever being in a strip club I worked. Growing up I was exposed to this lifestyle from an aunt that I always looked up to. She went from being a hairdresser, to life hitting her hard and then having no option but to be the only provider. I watched her pick herself up and dust herself off and saw that dancing truly saved her life. She wouldnā€™t hide how she was providing for her family, and I always admired her for it. I never knew the details, and what came with it. But I would see the strength she gained from it and the flexibility she had in making her own schedule. To me dancing and entertaining is something Iā€™ve always wanted to do because I used to take lessons, and I remember being on stage performing is where my heart lit up.. Well in my adult years I hit rock bottom. I was in a 10 year toxic relationship, and I started to lose myself. I wasnā€™t happy in my career, and it was hurting me deeply. I knew the only way out and to get myself back was money. I had a friend that danced, she basically was my Angel. She saw potential in me to do this before I ever did. Even though itā€™s been something Iā€™ve always wanted to do.. She helped me through the process, and at the time she didnā€™t know Iā€™ve never even been in a strip club before until after I worked my first shift with her.. Her and I still laugh about it to this day haha! So I just showed up and Iā€™ve never looked back. My life has changed drastically since and I donā€™t regret a thing! Dancing has truly saved my life honestly. Itā€™s the best choice I ever made for myself.
Tell us about your favorite shift or customer ever!
Aaaahhhh this is a great question! His name was Cooper! Iā€™ll never forget him. It was a dead Thursday night, and it started to get closer to close and I remember just thinking to myself oh god Iā€™m going home with nothing tonight.. But then I sat with him and started chatting. But the conversation was just way more natural and was actually intriguing. He was a businessman, so we connected on a lot of levels. Anyways, we really hit it off. He paid me $700 just to sit in the back and talk for the last hour and a half and did we ever. We laughed, danced and he told me things I guess he never had the chance to talk about with anyone else. We had a great time, and at the end of the night he said ā€œIā€™ll never forget you Angelā€ .. and likewise Cooper šŸ˜‚
Do you have any pets? We love pets, please tell us about them!
I have two pitbulls and theyā€™re my babies! šŸ’—
How have you made yourself stand out when working?
I try to make myself stand outĀ with the energy and presence I bring once I step foot onto the floor. And Iā€™m not even kidding, ever since I started wearing Angel Candy itā€™s given me even more confidence & Iā€™ve been KILLING IT ever since šŸ’—šŸ’—šŸ„¹šŸ«¶šŸ¼āœØ
What is your funniest story related to work?
Oh my god I have a couple of these lol.. I was on stage on a surprisingly busy Wednesday night and I was almost the third song into my set and the DJ called me to the booth to tell me ā€œyou have a long piece of toilet paper stuck to your shoeā€ .. let me tell you I ripped that off and said ā€œthe show must go onā€ and ran back on stage with a smile to finish my last song. I basically looked like a rhythmic gymnast on stage with a very longgggggggg piece of toilet paper flying around on the bottom of my shoešŸ˜‚ idk how I missed it either.
What are some of your favorite things and hobbies outside of work?
I love to go to the gym, spend time with my dogs and practice pole!
What is a goal youā€™re proud you were able to reach while doing and because of SW?
Wow these questions are so good. I love this.. my favourite goal I achieved because of SW was gaining ME back. I lost myself for so long from a toxic situation. Iā€™ve found me. Of course thereā€™s more goals Iā€™ve achieved but Iā€™ve truly found my strength when I started SW.
What is something you feel needs to change in the industry?
Thereā€™s a negative stigma around the industry that desperately needs to change. Many people view sex workers as victims who have been pushed into this work by circumstances beyond their control or sheer desperation. I am neither; I do this job by choice and itā€™s changed my life. We shouldnā€™t be forced to feel ashamed or embarrassed by our choice of work I feel.
There is a lot of talk nowadays about sex work being ā€œempowering.ā€ Is this true for you and why or why not?
I feel itā€™s empowering, for myself. I understand everyoneā€™s story is different also. But I have a history of abuse, & I find commodifying my body a way to take back power both physically and psychologically. Itā€™s hard to explain, but itā€™s given me so much strength.
What is your best tip for making money at work?
I feel thereā€™s a few, presence, approach and body language. Feeling confident makes the customer feel you know what youā€™re doing. If youā€™re unsure of yourself, then they will be also.
What's your favorite colors / styles / accessories to wear at work?
Do you have any industry "life hacks" to share?
Listening to your body, and taking time off to avoid burn out. I remember when I first started I never did this, and I was beyond EXHAUSTED. Take time for you! And not feeling guilty for it, was hugeeee for me.
What has been your biggest challenge in the industry and how do you cope with that?
I still struggle with sneering disapproval when I answer that ever so commonly asked ā€œwhat do you do?ā€ I didnā€™t talk about my work much with others- mostly because I didnā€™t want them to be afraid of me, but also because I found my job made other people uncomfortable. Itā€™s something I still struggle with. Some of my family knows what I do. My mom and my sister are my biggest supporters in this.. which Iā€™m very lucky to be able to say. I cope with it by being proud that I found something that saved me, given me life and freedom.
We all have a story about a babe in the industry who we loved and were inspired by from the moment we met her- tell us about her/them:
I have two. One being my Aunt, the other being my now bestfriend. My aunt exposed me to this lifestyle growing up, she didnā€™t tell me in detail by any means. But I watched her whole life fall apart when she lost her husband and was put in a position to support her family alone. She never hid how she provided for her family, I watched the strength she gained from it and Iā€™ll never forget how her life changed for the better from it. Second being my friend, she goes by baby girl. This woman met me at my lowest, saw potential in me I didnā€™t know I had. She held my hand through the whole transition into dancing. Constantly reminded me of my strength and Iā€™ll never forget it. I always wanted to do this but never had the confidence too. The transition at first was hard for me, but If it wasnā€™t for her I wouldnā€™t be where I am today in life. She gave me my stage name Angel, but honestly sheā€™s minešŸ’—šŸ„¹šŸ«¶šŸ¼
What do you wish people knew about us, and about you personally as a SWer?
That weā€™re still people at the end of the day, weā€™re all human, and we all have stories.
Where can we find you?
Thank you, Angel !Ā šŸ’–
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