What’s your name?
What part(s) of the industry do you work in?
Stripping and online content in many forms
How did you get started in the industry?
I had wanted to sell content online as soon as I was 18. I was living on my own and it just seemed like a natural progression for the kind of person I was becoming and wanted to be. Stripping was years later after learning some people in my family and a few friends were strippers actually, so that destigmatized it a bit for me. Mainly though, when covid started I couldn't find a job and a lot of the work I had done to build a life for myself came crashing down, so there was definitely some desperation there.

What's your zodiac sign(s), and does it/they resonate with you?
I am an Aries Sun, but I heavily resonate with my entire chart. I only have red tattoos, thats a reference to the fire in me. I have dyed my hair red the most often out of all colors. Even my dance name, was originally going to be red(I ended up not picking that, cause dancers named Red/Redd/Redbone are a dime a dozen).
Do you have any pets? We love pets, please tell us about them!
I have 2 twin tortoiseshell girlies that are insane and sweet as hell. They are named Vodka and Tonic(I didnt pick the names, but they fit, trust me)

How have you made yourself stand out when working?
My hair is probably my biggest stand out. My first few times stripping, I wanted to conceal my identity a bit, and in life I almost always wear my natural hair in whatever color it's been dyed at that time. So I wore a really bad synthetic big bang wig. Very quickly I realized how impractical and, honestly, easily embarrassing my wig could be for me. I decided fuck it, and since then I have almost always worn my natural afro to work. So it was out of comfortability originally, and then I found my hair to be my greatest asset.
What is a goal you’re proud you were able to reach while doing and because of SW?
I dealt with a very shitty situation 2 years ago with landlord harrasment and a very illegal eviction. I had to come up with $2000 in about 2 weeks and still have money to eat and keep my cats healthy. I did crowdfund and got a bit from family, but almost all of it I had to grind for in the club and I did it. I think about that often and thank the universe definitely for blessing me, but I also am so proud of myself for making that happen. I don't have that grind mentality, I am not a capitalist, I get what I need in the club and then I go home. So it was a rough mindset I had to put myself into, and yet I did it.

What is something you feel needs to change in the industry?
We need more sexworkers owning strip clubs. These gross rich men that have never had to be in the situations they put us in, should not be running us, period.
What has been your biggest challenge in the industry and how do you cope with that?
My biggest challenge has been dealing with racism, specifically in the club. My first club was mainly black so it wasn't a problem there obviously. My second club though is almost completely white clientele. My first night there, I had just clocked in and someone at the bar starts yelling racists insults at me. Security did grab him and I've never seen him again. But I have seen him in so many people, in touching my hair without asking, insisting that it must be fake and I'm lying, lowballing me and then going to a white dancer and paying her exorbitant fee, I could literally go on and on. I don't think there is a shift at that club that I have not dealt with some form of racism, and that is, to say the least, a huge challenge.
What do you wish people knew about us, and about you personally as a SWer?
That SWers are some of the most queer people on this Earth, as a whole. I myself am gender nonbinary, poly, and pansexual. A lot of us are just straight lesbians. And because of that, I promise we do not want your man lol.
Where can we find you? (Please tag any socials and/or websites you'd like us to link!