March 2024: Alice šŸ‘‘

March 2024: Alice šŸ‘‘

Whatā€™s your name?
What part(s) of the industry do you work in?
How did you get started in the industry?
I met the coolest stripper in NYC and smoked a blunt with her in Central Park. I had wanted to be a dancer before then, but meeting her felt like a sign and I started the next year! Been at it for almost 4 yrs now.
What's your zodiac sign(s), and does it/they resonate with you?
Iā€™m an Aquarius (sun and moon) through and through!
Tell us about your favorite shift or customer ever!
I had a shift during Halloween where I was dressed up like Jessica Rabbit and had a old regular come in. He got a double dance with me and other girl and spent $2500 on each of us + I had a good night outside of that. Easy money, we didnā€™t dance for a lot of that vip and just had a lot of fun!
Do you have any pets? We love pets, please tell us about them!
I have two chihuahuas, Boo and Tofu, and they are my whole life! šŸ˜­šŸ’•

How have you made yourself stand out when working?
Itā€™s in the simple things. Standing up tall, smiling, direct eye contact, and keeping my classy appearance goes a long way! I also have a really good sense of humor, and get a lot of personality sells for dances!
What is your funniest story related to work?
When I was dancing in Nashville, this man got a vip with me and was tipping really well. He then proceeds to shove my ENTIRE FOOT in his mouth. Then told me he wasnā€™t really in to feet, but mine just looked delicious šŸ˜­
What are some of your favorite things and hobbies outside of work?
I love reading, playing video games, and going on hikes! Being outside is where I feel the happiest, somewhere lost in nature. I also love karaoke, I went to college for singing and love any chance I get to sing for people!
What is something you feel needs to change in the industry?
The ā€œbeauty standardsā€ that a lot of clubs hold. Not every man wants a tall thin blonde, I think itā€™s important to have more variety! Someone for everyone.
What is your best tip for making money at work?
CONFIDENCE!! If you donā€™t think youā€™re worth $$$, how is anyone else supposed to? Also, donā€™t ever sell yourself short, no matter how new you are. Men will always say, ā€œthis dancer said sheā€™d do it cheaper.ā€ Then get a dance with her instead. But Iā€™m not the one. šŸ˜Œ
What's your favorite colors / styles / accessories to wear at work?
Iā€™m a pink girlie, and anything that makes me feel like a lil angel princess is my fav!
Do you have any industry "life hacks" to share?
Listen to your body. Know when to take a break, for your physical AND mental well-being.
How can customers make you feel spoiled, appreciated, and respected?
By not wasting my time! Time is $, and my favorite customers are the ones who pay me before, during, and after. I also love the ones that hold a great conversation with me!
We all have a story about a babe in the industry who we loved and were inspired by from the moment we met her- tell us about her/them:
When I first started dancing, I very much looked up to a dancer named Peaches! She was an incredible dancer and held herself with such grace, even in our trashy little club. She definitely inspired me to become the dancer I am todayšŸ’•
What do you wish people knew about us, and about you personally as a SWer?
WE ARE JUST PEOPLE!! Yes, there are definitely girls who party a lot, but the vast majority of us go home and live a pretty ā€œboringā€ life when weā€™re not at work.
How have you dealt with the stigma of being out as a SW, if youā€™ve faced any?
Iā€™ve definitely faced it, a lot of people assume things of me and coming from a small town in TN Iā€™m the most interesting gossip a lot of those people have had in years. I am really impressed with myself at how well iā€™ve ignored it, I often remind myself that I'm hot and making $$$$ theyā€™ll never see in their lives.
What are your plans for the future (can be related to the industry or not!)?
I really want to create perfumes, Iā€™m obsessed with fragrance and itā€™s been a goal of mine for a while now.
What advice would you give younger you, if you could, both work related and in general?
Surround yourself with people who have your best interest at heart, donā€™t put energy towards people who wonā€™t reciprocate.
Where can we find you?
Onlyfans:Ā lilcherryfaerieĀ šŸ’•
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