March 2025: Kali 👑

March 2025: Kali 👑

FUN FACT: Kali is a talented and creative photographer! All of her photos in this interview are seld portraits, and she is the photographer for much of the imagery featured on Angel Candy's homepage and product pages 📸 ❤️
What’s your name?
What part(s) of the industry do you work in?
How did you get started in the industry?
literally walks into a strip club in Indiana and asked if I could work. and they were like "ya" haha
What's your zodiac sign(s), and does it/they resonate with you?
VIRGHOE. & yes it unfortunately resonates with me. hahah
Tell us about your favorite shift or customer ever!
god the best shift was some big fat bald guy who had JUST come into $. he did a room with me & like 5 girls and spent $6K on each of us. he was so chill. best night ever. very very very fun
Do you have any pets? We love pets, please tell us about them!
BOOGIE MANE the teacup yorkie. he's green. he comes to work with me & he's a little celebrity
How have you made yourself stand out when working?
I wear alot of leggings/dad hats/ shirts.i cover my body alot and it brings me more attention. funny how that works? i also have a lot of custom outfits made out of like, band shirts & shit. but men don’t notice that as much as the other dancers.
What is your funniest story related to work?
well, they might be to gross to share here…..hmmm one time i laughed so hard i pissed myself & the customer was like omg you’re turned on! you're so wet!! hahha IDIOT
What are some of your favorite things and hobbies outside of work?
photography! juggalo shit. chillin with the girls & of course shopping
What is a goal you’re proud you were able to reach while doing and because of SW?
honestly just to travel and do what i want. i worked at a pizza parlor before & would constantly miss out on life because i couldn't afford things. it’s nice to be able to LIVE and not just survive.
What is something you feel needs to change in the industry?
the list goes on, but one thing off top is i hate how some clubs favor the customers. like i’ve worked at clubs where they will side with the customers no matter what. it’s gross.
There is a lot of talk nowadays about sex work being “empowering.” Is this true for you and why or why not?
hell yah. this job has truly showed me all the power i withhold. i get whatever the fuck i want. there isn’t anything more powerful than pussy i swear. women have always been in charge. men THINK they are, but they also always have had laws in place to suppress everyone else. sex work is the oldest job in the book. BECAUSE women have currency.
What is your best tip for making money at work?
stay positive! don’t let rude customers get to you & also don’t give away your time for free. i NEVER sit and talk for more than a song. that might fuck me over some days. but also talking to men for along time for free basically rewards them for bad behavior.
What's your favorite colors / styles / accessories to wear at work?
ANGEL CANDY DUHHHH y’all make the best pink leopard stuff & that’s my fave print. also alot of black…. & re purposed band shirts! made into bikinis ect.
Do you have any industry "life hacks" to share?
just save your fucking money. this job can give you amazing opportunities & freedom. take advantage of the stepping stone this job provides you.
How can customers make you feel spoiled, appreciated, and respected?
pay my bills & respect my boundaries.
What has been your biggest challenge in the industry and how do you cope with that?
TRUST ISSUES hahaha & I don't cope with it. also being touched in my personal life. so the challenges I face developed at work..but don't effect me at my job. but they effects me in my personal life.
We all have a story about a babe in the industry who we loved and were inspired by from the moment we met her- tell us about her/them:
honestly, growing up, i LOVED The Girls Next Door. (tv show about Hugh Hefner & his gf’s) & i LOVED the Club Jenna girls (porn stars signed to Jenna Jamesons website). most of my inspiration came from them. When i started in the industry girls were really mean. so i never was really “inspired” by them if that makes sense? it was more of seeing the glamorized side of the biz that was inspiring.
What do you wish people knew about us, and about you personally as a SWer?
i wish people could wrap their mind around the fact that this is a JOB. yes… we just want your money…. but so does Target, so does your mechanic, so does fuckin McDonlads & Home Depot. i wish it was taken more seriously as a job. cause it is indeed a lot of mental and physical work.
How have you dealt with the stigma of being out as a SW, if you’ve faced any?
yes. the civilian women all think I want their man. the civilian men think I'm easy. jokes on all of them
What are your plans for the future (can be related to the industry or not!)?
i love my job. STRIPPERS FOREVER. But i’d LOVE to do my own photography business as well. i guess i kinda already do.
What advice would you give younger you, if you could, both work related and in general?
invest/save money sooner.
Where can we find you? 
Thank You, Kali! 💋
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