APRIL 2022
Meet April's Angel of the Month: Blu Fuego
What’s your name? Blu Fuego
What do you do/what part(s) of the biz do you work in?
Stripper, Camgirl, SW
How did you get started in the industry?
I was in college and not happy struggling pay check to pay check looking for extra sources of income and found a club that was hiring locally.
If you’ve worked in more than one aspect of SW, which is your favorite and why?
My favorite has to be being a stripper. I’ve done other aspects but I found I love being in the club and private party setting and being able to flow and dance and meet new people.
What is a goal you’re proud you were able to reach while doing and because of SW?
I was able to finally pay my bills comfortably and have financial freedom I wouldn’t have at a 9-5.
What is something you feel needs to change in the industry?
I feel job/fetish work shaming should stop. We all are in the sex work industry and shaming someone who does something different is something that definitely needs to change.
What is your best tip for making money at work?
Talk and approach everyone it’ll make a huge difference profit wise and in the long run and can make a $200 night a $2000 just by talking to everyone because every dollar adds up.
What has been something SW helped you with/encouraged you to do, or how has SW made you more confident?
SW has definitely given me more confidence and encouraged me to be more open minded about things in life.
What has been your biggest challenge in the industry?
My biggest challenge has been dealing with the negative comments and stigma surrounding this industry.
What do you wish people knew about us (SWers), and about you personally as a SWer?
That we are normal people trying to make a way for ourselves in this crazy world.
How have you dealt with the stigma of being out as a SW, if you’ve faced any?
I’ve learned to not listen or entertain other people’s opinions because they don’t pay my bills.
What are your plans for the future (can be related to the industry or not!!)?
What are your plans for the future (can be related to the industry or not!!)?
My plans are to hopefully run my own business and get my business degree.
What is something you wish you’d known when you started in the industry?
I wish I would’ve known to not trust everyone that claims to be there for you because that is not always true and can lead to so much drama.
Where can we find you?
YouTube: https://youtube.com/user/destinysha00
Instagram: deslasha