What’s your name?
What part(s) of the industry do you work in?
Stripper, Onlyfans
How did you get started in the industry?
I first started Onlyfans when I was 20 years old.
Tell us about your favorite shift or customer ever!
fav customer was probably when i was working day shift and this older lady came in and got a vip with me and another girl working, and the whole time she badicay just wanted us to hang out and chat with her and said she “likes spending money on strippers to take their time away from men”, and she tipped me and my coworker the biggest tip either of us had ever got from one person. so so so grateful for her and honestly obsessed with her, she’s who i wanna be when i’m older for sure.

Do you have any pets? We love pets, please tell us about them!
I have a precious little cat named Ophelia who is literally the biggest princess i know like she only drinks water from the sink and absolutely has to have a certain brand and flavor of treats and cat food, she rly is like her mama🤪🤪 she’s a lil black and white girl with a tiny mustache and she’s my best friend.
How have you made yourself stand out when working?
SMILING!!! i always smile and giggle when i meet customs and act as if we just fell in love the second we made eye contact lmfaoooo, its rly just about making them believe ur as happy to meet them as they are to meet you!
What is your funniest story related to work?
What are some of your favorite things and hobbies outside of work?
i absolutely love fashion and modeling! i’ve gotten into the local fashion scene in my city and have walked in some runways and done some photo shoots, and each one has just been such a blessing and i’ve fallen in love with the art and beauty of it all. Aside from that I truly just work and hang out with my cat and friends and sm*ke w**d lmfao

What is a goal you’re proud you were able to reach while doing and because of SW?
paying for a month long trip to france this fall!!!!! I had a reallyyyy tough winter 2022 after I lost my partner to a car accident, and ended up taking like a month off, but when i went back to work i had the goal of giving myself a beautiful lil vacay to the south of france to visit some friends. I ended up reaching my goal in about 6 months (planning it for the fall cuz i’m waiting on my passport lol), but i’m so fucking proud of myself for actually setting aside a good chunk of what i made each shift. so yeah king story short i’m gonna have a hot girl fall in france.
There is a lot of talk nowadays about sex work being “empowering.” Is this true for you and why or why not?
I personally feel very empowered through sex work. It’s allowed me take charge of my sexuality and set clear boundaries with others and myself. it’s taught me not to settle for less than I'm worth and showed me that there will always be the ones who are more than happy to pay your prices and are grateful for the opportunity to.There are so many different types of people in this world that you’re inevitably going to run into some who just hate this way of life and do not respect you and/or your job, and those people do not deserve a second of your time. Never listen to them or let them get to you, because some people are truly not worth your time. Surrounding myself with those who continue to lift me up and support me has been one of the most important aspects in feeling empowered in what I do, so I try to keep those people around and say fuck everyone else.
What is your best tip for making money at work?
Be real and be nice!!! Sometimes it can be hard trying to compartmentalize your work self and your real life self, but being able to be yourself with customers and sort of remind them you’re more than just a fantasy, while still being the fun flirty feminine energy they crave, i’ve found makes them like you a lot more. but there are also those custies who don’t want to be reminded that you’re a real person lmfao (for those guys i just turn the sexy bimbo vibe way up and or call it a day. But usually, people will like you if you’re being genuine and having fun. if you don’t look like you wanna be there, people won’t wanna be there with you.
Do you have any industry "life hacks" to share?
- use face/body oil to get pole grip off quickly - buying little shrugs to wear at work bc it’s always freezing when you’re not dancing, but like little sexy ones that are just sleeves so ur warm but still sexiii.

How can customers make you feel spoiled, appreciated, and respected?
For most customers there’s an instant vibe check and i can kind of tell right off the bat if the view me as a person or as a good/service, but I think the biggest thing is just someone being happy to pay you for your time and understand that this is our job and we are here to make money, but we are also human beings who appreciate being treated like one. my favorite is when customers not only tip well but are interesting to talk to and genuinely seem happy to be given the chance to talk to you.
What has been your biggest challenge in the industry and how do you cope with that?
Probably comparing myself to other girls who are having better nights than me or who i think look better than me etc etc. but when i feel myself starting to spiral or negatively compare i really try to get myself to just step out of my own head for a sec and take a sec to remember the times i’ve felt fucking hot and confident and ask myself what’s different about me now than when i felt that way? and usually the answer is nothing! most of the time the only thing i need to change about myself is my headspace. sometimes i’ll change my hair or outfit if i’m really not feeling myself, but i always try to just keep myself in a positive light and positive headspace.
What do you wish people knew about us, and about you personally as a SWer?
Im sure this is what a lot of people have said to this, but that we’re just normal ass people!!! Like most of my time spent outside the club i’d with my cat, my mom, and my boyfriend lmao, which for some reason surprises some people cuz they expect me to super extroverted and outgoing. But nah I use up all of my social battery at work and just use time outside to rest and relax and turn my brain off. Also wish people knew how much free emotional labor we do for these men, jus saying.
How have you dealt with the stigma of being out as a SW, if you’ve faced any?
I really try to surround myself with people who fully support and accept me and my job, but i definitely still feel the judgement the second i tell someone new who isn’t in the industry. and not from everyone as there’s def some lovely people who don’t do SW but are fully supportive of SWers. But there’s a lot of people who try to pass off their judgement as just shock or try to applaud me for “being able to do something like that” or whatever. At this point, when someone reacts like that i honestly just find it kind of funny like, some people are just so sheltered and closed minded, there’s no point in trying to make them see your point of view cuz their world experience wouldn’t let them.
What are your plans for the future (can be related to the industry or not!)?
In 10 years, I really hope i’ll be living in France and working in a little cafe somewhere, maybe still dancing, maybe not!
What advice would you give younger you, if you could, both work related and in general?
I would tell her she’s worth so much more than she knows. It’s ok to have boundaries and it’s ok to do what’s best for yourself. It’s not ok to let people disrespect you and those boundaries. And that goes for work and life in general of course.
Where can we find you?