Crystals are one of those things like a white C class and anything sparkly: most of us love them :) (if a white C class was in fact your first hoe money car purchase, send us a pic of you in it for a $20 gift card LOL. Mine was an Escalade)
Whether or not you believe that crystals do have individual energies, it’s all about intentions! I kept a little bag of crystals in my work bag during my last 2 years dancing- my most profitable years, by far.
Now, of course, that is not simply because of the crystals- I had to learn and commit to financial literacy which, honestly, is really boring (but rewarding!). For me, having little objects that reminded me of my goals and intentions helped make the journey more light hearted and fun. Cleaning them when I’d organize my work bag became a little ritual that reminded me that my hard work would pay off!
These are 5 of the top crystals best for STACKING UP:
GREEN AVENTURINE: This stone is well loved by hustlers worldwide as it is known to be opportunistic and helpful in things like winning games and coming by a “windfall” of money. It is said to create a sense of openness and humor that makes opportunities finding us inevitable! This is a great one to keep in your work bag, and hold while visualizing clients approaching YOU for dances, VIPs, custom videos, etc.
TIGERS EYE: This crystal is a manifestation miracle and is especially useful to hold or keep near you while writing out and planning your money goals! It is useful in pulling your energy back to you, and is known to be a great overall “good luck” stone.
GREEN JADE: This crystal has long been known for being lucky, and is said to aid healing in a way that helps us dissolve our self limiting beliefs. It is said to dispel negative energy in the workplace, and is best kept in our rooms to promote prosperity in our actual dreams while we sleep.
PYRITE: Commonly known as “fools gold,” this crystal is known for energizing the workplace and helps ignite courage and persistence to achieve your financial goals! It is great for changing your mindset from “lack” to “abundance” and attracting clients.
CITRINE: This crystal is great for removing roadblocks to wealth, and helping us KEEP the money we earn. It is known for helping us manifest whatever blessing we focus on and want to make reality in our lives: money, a new home, peace, health, and more.
We keep ALL of the above 5 crystals in the Angel Candy Office and hope you found one you’ll add to your Money Routine!